Frequently asked questions

How do you verify that your Neighborhood Hosts are honest?
Our Neighborhood Hosts are required to pass a verified background check before they begin accepting packages.
Your Neighborhood Host will text you a picture of your package once they receive it.
Sign up and we will connect you with a Neighborhood Host that is closest to you and proceed to find a Neighborhood Host in your area. We are continuously growing our network of Neighborhood Hosts and focus our efforts in the areas where there are customers waiting to be served.
You can contact your Neighborhood Host and arrange for them to hold your package for a period of time or arrange to have it delivered to you at your convenience.
Yes, our Neighborhood Hosts can sign, accept and secure your valuable packages.
First, text your Neighborhood Host to check and see if they have received your package. Your Neighborhood Host may have received a large number of packages and is in the process of notifying customers about their packages and hasn’t gotten to you yet. However, your Host should notify you within a few minutes of a delivery. If your Host replies that they haven’t received your package, you will need to contact the carrier to notify them of your lost package.
No, you can stop services at any time without any obligation.